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At a time when AT&T continues to make record profits and pays its CEO Randall Stephenson more than $20,000,000.00 a year, the Company has made health care unaffordable for those that are most vulnerable – their retirees. These are the former employees that made AT&T the very successful company that it is today.

CWA is mad as hell about this! In bargaining, CWA has consistently attempted to negotiate improvements for retirees and the Company has refused. Why is this? Sadly, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled back in 1971 that unions can only force companies to bargain about wages, hours, and benefits for current employees. Back in the day we were still able to bargain improvements for retirees because we were able to persuade AT&T that this was the right thing to do. In this era of mean-spirited corporate greed, AT&T has gone in a different direction and it is WRONG!

What can we do? As a start we are asking all active and retired members to write Randall Stephenson and tell him what you think about this shameful attack on retiree medical benefits. You can reach him at:

Randall Stephenson
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer
AT&T Corporation
208 South Akard Street
Dallas, TX  75202-4206



In Unity,

Judith R. Dennis
CWA District 3 Vice President