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Questions from President Contract Coverage - ATT Southeast Tentative Agreement

Question: Will there be limitations on the distance the Company can require an employee to report for a limited duty assignment once they have returned to work from an approved STD with restriction?

Answer: No. The Company will comply with the contract language for place of reporting


Question: Will ST’s who return from leave to the PJB be eligible for Wire Tech Jobs with core protection?

Answer: Yes, provided they are in the PJB at ratification


Question: Will ST or FT time in title/exchange be changed in the new agreement?

Answer: No


Question: Is ST still and entry job?

Answer: Yes


Question: Who will do DSL work in corporate facilities?

Answer: The CPE group will continue to perform the work as in the past


Question: Will the 4 hours of penalty pay count as time worked as well as counting toward 49 hour threshold?

Answer: It only counts towards the 49 hour double time threshold and not as time worked.


Question: Will the company provide an Org. Unit Chart for all employees?

Answer: Yes it will be generated and provided to the District. Any Org Unit Changes that occur during the contract period will be grouped back with their original Org Unit for surplus purposes.


Question: If hired on as a Wire Tech will previous BST service count toward seniority?

Answer: BellSouth service bridging will be governed by the Pension Rules


Question: How will the company calculate the Term of Employment (TOE) for future part-time employees?

Answer: TOE is the hire date and will be the same for full and part-time employees alike


Question: Why were short term disability plan and long term disability plan struck through on the Benefits agreements?

Answer: They will be known collectively as the ATT Southeast Disability Program Benefits will remain as they are currently.