DIRECTV Bargaining Bulletin #3
Your CWA bargaining committee has met numerous times over the last week to review data responses provided to us from DIRECTV. We are still awaiting the Company’s response to other outstanding data requests (e.g., healthcare, scope of work, work transitioned from AT&T to DIRECTV, etc.) We have held numerous discussions with the Company regarding their positions of negotiating two contracts for the newly transitioned employees. The Union has taken an unwavering stand regarding this item. ONE COMPANY--ONE CONTRACT! CWA was more than willing to review the possibility of two contracts based on the information we had received from the Company regarding healthcare costs, Initially, they stated the medical coverage for Mobility employees could increase if we bargain one contract due to Mobility employees’ age and other cost-related factors. After numerous attempts and requests for information, DIRECTV was unable to provide viable information to substantiate their position leading us to believe that their statements were inaccurate. As such, CWA’s position is the Company hand-picked the employees (titles) they wanted to transition to DIRECTV without any discussions with the Union or without giving the employees selected to transition a choice. Now the Company states they want to once again divide our membership by presenting a proposal to have two contracts. CWA clearly stated that we are in the business to UNITE our members and we DEMAND one contract for our members that transitioned. DIRECTV finally admitted that their true concern in having one contract is CONTROL. The Company fears that If we should end up in a labor dispute, the Company does not want all the transitioned employees under one contract for fear of the bargaining leverage and strength CWA would have. CWA’s response to their position was quite simple: “It's a little late for that--they should have thought of that before they determined which employees would be forced to transition to the new DIRECTV.”
We have met with the CWA National Executive Board and President Shelton and the entire Executive Board supports our position. It is imperative that our members at DIRECTV let the Company know that you want and deserve ONE Contract! As you are aware the Company transitioned AT&T employees that are covered by 10 different CWA contracts. As part of the transition the Company agreed to honor all 10 contracts. Currently we are in early bargaining attempting to merge all 10 contracts into one contract. Where CWA cannot guarantee we will end up with one contract, we can guarantee we are going to do our BEST to succeed in this attempt. Worst case scenario is if the Company refuses to agree to one contract, the Company would have to honor all 10 contracts as they apply to the employees they cover. The Company claims they have no problem doing this. CWA believes differently. It is critical that our members become versed with their contractual language and the Company's contractual obligations so you can demand that all articles in YOUR contract are adhered to. No different than the way the Company holds our feet to the fire and makes sure our members follow all practices, policies and procedures and when they don’t, there are negative consequences.
Your Union would like to stress the importance of Mobilization, Organization and Unity! As always, CWA would like to thank our DIRECTV members for all the support and encouragement you have demonstrated throughout this difficult bargaining process.
Please remember while we’re negotiating with the Company all existing contractual agreements will be honored and remain in full effect as is and we will continue to bargain with DIRECTV.
In Unity,
Sylvia J. Ramos, Assistant to the VP, District 6
Mary Jo Reilly, Staff Representative, Telecommunication & Technologies
Pat Telesco, Area Director, District 1
Angela Wells, Administrative Director, District 3
Herman Junkin, Jr., Staff Representative, District 3
Ron Gay, Jr., Staff Representative, District 4
Tony Shaffer, Staff Representative, District 6
Domonique Thomas, Assistant to VP, District 9
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