2015 CWA ATT SE Bargaining Report #17
Your bargaining team met in sub-committee today. We also got the opportunity to visit with the Atlanta Learning Center and be briefed on the satellite installation process.
There are a plethora of changes in the types of duties, equipment and tools used in satellite communications. We actively asked questions concerning safety, technology practices and time allocation. We learned satellite installation and repairs will make the Wire Techs job duties exponentially more detailed.
In sub-committee the company shared details of one of their proposals including the desire to contract out the following types of work: removing lead cable, pre-wire, placement of inner duct, pole transfer, and placing of all types of cable.
Thanks to everyone who has participated and are continuing to participate in mobilization activities. We will continue to prove narcissism is not acceptable We cannot expect victory and plan for defeat.
We will begin meeting at the common interest table tomorrow.
Ignominy: shameful or dishonorable
Go to http://district3.cwa-union.org/pages/att-se-signup to sign up for ATT SE Bargaining Updates
Go to http://district3.cwa-union.org/photos/entry/2015_cwa_att_se_bargaining_mobilization to view photos of your brothers and sisters mobilizing around the District
Your Bargaining Committee
Mike Fahrenholt – CWA Rep District 3 – Chair
Thelma Dunlap – Administrative Director District 3 – Co-Chair
David Betz – Alabama
Jonathan Campbell – Kentucky
Herman Junkin – Mississippi
Al Guillory – Louisiana
Johnny Hernandez – Florida
Chris Myrick – North Carolina
Jason LaPorte – South Carolina
Gene Redd – Georgia
Robert Santucci – Tennessee
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