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CWA D3 ATT SE Bargaining Report #9

Some headway has been made at the bargaining table. Tentative agreements have been reached on the following proposals:

• Contract language clean up in multiple articles

• Elimination of retention differential and fast track in article 4.07(m)

• Change in technology, changes time frame from six months to three months in article 8.02

• Removing term employees from the contract. Current terms would be allowed to complete their term. Extends temporary to 24 months and retain the 10% maximum.

• Allow MSC’s to opt out of the uniform program

• Allow current employees in the personal vehicle program to opt out

• Provisions to place union officers on leave of absence automatically when they exceed time limits.

• Agreed to use random number seniority tie breaker draw for surplus and other matters addressed by selectors.

• Reassignment of an employee one step outside bargaining unit by selection criteria. This would not include a manager that had never been craft to come into the bargaining unit, unless the position is going to be filled from the street.

• Increase UA time for Local Presidents

Bargaining is now in sub-committee where the real bargaining takes place. Please continue all mobilization efforts as they have never been more important.

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