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YP Southeast Publishing and Advertising Bargaining Report #14

The Union & Company met on Wednesday 8/15/12. The Union discussed market related issues with Sales Ops. Some of the market issues discussed included transparency of market draws, campaign dates, the 80% loss date, adjustment to BOTS situations, PPC BOTS when ESV’s are lowered by the company, MAR catastrophic loss, 10 day grace period for newly assigned non-billing accounts/leads, BOTS for IYP early down.

The Union also countered a previous Company proposal regarding Article 12 and “future requests”. The Union proposed increases to the current 401K matching. The Union and Company discussed outstanding Company proposals for Article 7 (Surplus) and Article 8 (Employment Security). The Company proposed language for Management Rights.

The Union & Company will meet again Thurs 8/16/12 to continue discussing outstanding proposals, commission plans, market issues and benefits.