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YP Southeast Publishing and Advertising Bargaining Report #11

The Union & Company met on Thurs 8/9. During the first part of the session the Company presented their proposed commission plan for the DTSR title. The Union had questions and concerns surrounding the DTSR plan, just as we have had for each sales title thus far. We will continue to discuss comp plans for each of the sales titles until we can agree on one that makes sense for each sales title. The Company also presented their comprehensive Article 10 proposal. As expected, there were many questions and concerns and we will continue to discuss Article 10 in great detail.

During the 2nd part of the session, the Union presented their healthcare proposal, which was a counter to the Company proposed healthcare plan. The Union’s healthcare proposal keeps out of pocket expenses (premiums, deductibles & OOP maximums) more in line with where they currently are, rather than increasing them significantly, which is what the Company has proposed thus far.

The Union & Company will meet again Fri 8/10 to continue discussing outstanding proposals, commission plans and benefits related issues.