2015 CWA ATT SE Bargaining Report #46
Your bargaining team met with the company today. The company is intent on more than doubling healthcare costs, segregating employees effectively bargaining away the core contract and offering no quota relief in the sales environment. This corporation has also made it clear that they are not interested in improving safety procedures and work rules that will help to increase family time for employees. AT&T posted adjusted revenues of over $131 Billion in 2014 and has yet to propose any wage increase, leaving employees to incur a substantial net loss.
The company had the audacity to say we weren’t serious about bargaining or getting a contract because we will not surrender to their quixotic demands. If you look at the facts objectively, it is simple to understand who is not serious. Make sure your Local has your current contact information.
Special thanks to Local 3207 for the white out Wednesday T-shirts.
Corpulent – large or bulky; portly; fat
It’s Our Turn
To see previous bargaining reports go to http://district3.cwa-union.org/news/all/c/att
Go to http://district3.cwa-union.org/pages/att-se-signup to sign up for ATT SE Bargaining Updates
Go to http://district3.cwa-union.org/photos/entry/2015_cwa_att_se_bargaining_mobilization to view photos of your brothers and sisters mobilizing around the District
Your Bargaining Committee
Mike Fahrenholt – CWA Rep District 3 – Chair
Thelma Dunlap – Administrative Director District 3 – Co-Chair
David Betz – Alabama
Jonathan Campbell – Kentucky
Herman Junkin – Mississippi
Al Guillory – Louisiana
Johnny Hernandez – Florida
Chris Myrick – North Carolina
Jason LaPorte – South Carolina
Gene Redd – Georgia
Robert Santucci – Tennessee
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