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YP Southeast Publishing and Advertising Bargaining Report #15

The Union & Company met on Thursday 8/16. During the first part of the session, the Company presented their comprehensive contract, which we reviewed and discussed page by page. The comprehensive contract included the TA’s thus far, as well as outstanding company proposals (which have not been TA’d, rejected or countered at this point). We will continue discuss and update the comprehensive contract based on existing open proposals.

During the 2nd part of the session, the Company presented their updated compensation plans for all sales titles. These updated comp plans included positive increases in pay for each sales title. This was the first bargaining session in which the Union felt that the Company made progress towards a comp plan that will benefit our members.

The Company also presented an updated medical plan which lowered the oop max’s and premiums, but not to an acceptable level for the Union.

The Union & Company will meet again Friday 8/17 to continue discussing outstanding proposals, commission plans, market issues and benefits. The contract expires 8/18 at midnight.