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Welcome Officers and members of Local 3645 (Piedmont Airlines)

Officers Local 3645 and D3 Staff

I would like everyone to welcome our newest Local 3645. Abdur Bilal, President and Anthony Barden, Secretary Treasurer came to Atlanta to be sworn in by me. Velvet Hawthorne, CWA Representative, North Carolina, Vonda Hardy, CWA Representative, Mississippi and Michele McNeil, Special Assignment Organizer, who worked with them during their ten year struggle to become union members at Piedmont Airlines, were also present at the swearing in as well as District 3 clerical and other staff. We commend them on their struggle, congratulate them on their victory and welcome them into the CWA Family.

In Unity,Local 3645 New Officers & Staff

Judith R. Dennis
Vice President


From Left: Abdur Bilal, Judy Dennis. Anthony Barden


From Left: Michele McNeil, Abdur Bilal, Velvet Hawthorne, Judy Dennis, Anthony Barden, Vonda Hardy