Utilities Bargaining Report # 4
Brothers and Sisters,
Early this morning the Utility Operations bargaining team met with the company to discuss the issues that were still on the table. We had a lengthy and in depth dialogue around our issues, and why they are imperative to our members.
In addition to wages and benefits, our members need job security, better working conditions and a better quality of life. We will not stop until our demands are met.
It was great to see everyone at the rally this past Saturday, August 3, 2019. The members sent the company a clear message that they are behind the bargaining teams, and CWA will do whatever it takes to get a fair and equitable contract.
Thank you to Local 3205 for the care package and Local 3101 for the T-shirts. We appreciate you! One day longer One day stronger!
In Unity,
Your Utility Operations Bargaining Team
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