Vocero Newspaper in Puerto Rico
Please see below a message regarding our CWA brothers and sisters at Vocero Newspaper in Puerto Rico.
In Unity,
Judy Dennis
Vice President
The workers at the Vocero newspaper in Puerto Rico represented by CWA are in a tough fight for their jobs.
Below is a link to TV news video on of the struggle. Nestor Soto is interviewed. It is in spanish but visuals are pretty clear.
The newspaper called our members at home at night and told them they no longer had a job not to show up next day. The company hired contractors to do our work . Our members and the contractors showed up. The management decided not to put out the paper and left the printed paper on the pallets. Which our members saw as a victory. The fight continues!
Huelga en El Vocero ::: Wapa.tv ( http://www.wapa.tv/vervideo.php?nid=20090706101715)
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