CWA DEX/YP Bargaining update #4
Day 4 - DEX-YP went over their proposed changes to our existing contract. Typical bargaining, In one breath, the company expressed that all employees are valuable and then in the next sentence, pass some proposed cuts to most all of our current contract language There were several things that we strenuously objected. Items we talked about today, Seniority, Term pay for performance, Virtual office allowance, Funeral Leave, Sickness pay, etc.. Even though this is our first round at the bargaining table, we are very far apart on the issues. The company had flights we met until noon time today. We will be meeting again the week of 20th thru August 24th.
Our current contract will expire on August 11. 2018 CWA is in discussions about extending the current contract until we bargain a new one. Once we reach an agreement on the expiration date, I will communicate via the D3 website.
CWA 2018 Bargaining team
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