Thank You from Vice President Judy Dennis
I am writing to thank each of you for participating in the recent Vice Presidents Election. CWA is widely known as a democratic union and once again we have confirmed that our democratic system is alive and well. Naturally, I want to thank those that stood behind me and worked hard to elect me. But I also want to thank those of you who supported the candidate of your choice and let you know that I understand that if our system is going to truly be democratic we have to have room for everyone to be free to make a personal choice without fear of retaliation. The history of our Union, like the history of our country shows that when the election process is over we come together to meet the challenges we have in front of us.
Our nation’s economic meltdown has thrust many hurdles in our path. Today we are witnessing many of our premier employers in a position that we couldn’t conceive of even five years ago. Our Brothers and Sisters in the automotive and airline industries have experienced employers in bankruptcy, massive layoffs and plant closings. Workers in the public sector, healthcare and university systems have seen unprecedented layoffs and privatization of jobs and services. Members in the newspaper, printing sector and media workers have seen changing technology devastate jobs and even the closing of some of the nations oldest newspapers. Our telecommunications members have been hard hit as the industry transitions form wireline to wireless. We have witnessed our employers try to freeze hiring in the wireline sector to keep people out of the contracts we have negotiated since our inception and shift jobs to new company’s with lower pay and benefits where the workers must share the cost.
We are in the fight of our lives and have but one enemy – the company’s we represent. We must put our differences aside and come together to meet the challenges our members face. We all chose to represent our member’s interest and that interest is not internal – it is the employers with whom we hold contracts.
I invite you to join with me and work to help our district and our union overcome the challenges we face and give the members the representation they deserve.
In Unity,
Judith R. Dennis
Vice President
C: Booker Lester, Administrative Director
Betty Witte, Administrative Director
CWA Staff
opeiu#2 afl-cio
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