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CWA D3 ATT SE Bargaining Report #12

As bargaining continues AT&T’s focus turned to Memorandums and Letters of Agreement that are in effect until contract expiration. These agreements are not automatically renewed and are up for negotiation while bargaining is in session. The Company was not interested in renewing many agreements including Job Offer Guarantee, Appointed position for Partnership, Managed Care Specialist and Claim’s Facilitator. Other agreements the Company doesn’t want to renew are Safe Load Limits MOA, JLA Supplemental Screening MOA. Letter agreeing to pay individuals returning from approved STD when modified duties are not available, and Union time being counted towards FMLA eligibility.

Your bargaining team has made progress in re-securing agreements that will continue to protect our members and are committed to securing the best contract possible.

Special thanks to the Georgia Locals for providing red shirts to the team to wear at the table, we will wear them proudly on Thursday’s.

Also, many thanks to Local 3511 of Mississippi for the wonderful Edible Fruit arrangement.

We would also like to thank Staff Rep, Karen Murphy for opening her home and heart for the wonderful home cooked meal that would put Thanksgiving Dinner to shame!

Remain United and continue to Fight for the American Dream.