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2014 Mobility Bargaining Report # 10 February 8, 2014

Your Bargaining committee met with AT&T Company representatives this afternoon to continue bargaining discussions

The Union readdressed the company’s rejection of article 26 proposals and requested the same language as in the Orange contract. The company stated they were not interested in changing any of the current language in the D3 contract. We also had a lengthy discussion on vendors and contractors the company uses to perform work that could be done by our represented members. We requested more data on exactly where they were located and what type of work that was performed. The company stated again they would consider any proposals the Union passed but were not likely to change the position they have had regarding vendors or contracting. They also stated they have provided the information that is required by law. 

The Union also requested ongoing data related to Call Center and Retail store locations, number of employees and titles. We also requested the same information for Network locations and any contractors performing technician work. The company said they had provided most of the information in the past but would consider any proposal or data request regarding this. 

The Union then asked about developing a surplus process so our members would have necessary information in the event of a surplus. The company said they would consider something that was proposed and agreed to in the D6 Purple contract. 

We did not set a time for our next meeting as both parties need to review all outstanding issues and determine the next steps.


The team would like to thank CWA Rep Karen Murphy for providing a wonderful dinner Thursday night after a long day of frustrating bargaining.


In Unity, 

CWA Mobility Bargaining                                                                                       

The Contract is extended Through Monday.