DIRECTV Bargaining Report #4
First, a sincere thanks to all of our DIRECTV members for the continued support and dedication you have demonstrated throughout this difficult bargaining process. As you are aware, when the new DIRECTV was formed, part of the agreement made by the new DIRECTV was to honor ten (10) different contracts. After discussions between CWA and the new DIRECTV, an agreement was made to enter into negotiations in hopes of consolidating the ten (10) contracts into one (1).
Unfortunately, due to unrealistic Company demands which remain unresolved, DIRECTV and the Union have not met at the table since November 15, 2021. Despite the fact that CWA is still waiting for outstanding data requests from the Company, we continued to bargain in good faith in an attempt to reach a Fair and Just Contract for our members.
Throughout bargaining, the Union’s position at the table has been, “ONE COMPANY— ONE CONTRACT” versus the Company’s position of demanding that CWA agree to negotiating two (2) separate contracts. The Company has failed to provide CWA with ANY substantial information that would support the Company’s position of the need to negotiate two (2) separate contracts. This is especially true after the Company admitted that their real concern for having one (1) contract is solely based on Company control during contract expirations. The Company does not want all of the employees that transitioned to the new DIRECTV to have the same contract expiration date. CWA’s position has remained the same, the Company formed the new DIRECTV as one company and CWA cannot agree to these divisive tactics by agreeing to negotiate two separate contracts for our members at DIRECTV.
CWA cannot guarantee that we will end up with one contract; however, we can guarantee that we will continue to fight for our members and our belief is that our members deserve one contract!
Additionally, the Company has taken the position that the two contracts must have separate expiration dates that are at least one (1) year apart. Once again this would safeguard the Company’s position….that our members would not be able to UNITE in MOBILIZATION efforts and therefore weakening CWA’s leverage during such a critical time.
The third issue, which is totally unacceptable, is the Company‘s refusal to consider any new contractual language. They are taking the position that if CWA’s proposals contain language that is not in the current contracts, they will not consider our proposals or they will simply reject them.
CWA has clearly stated that we are not going to allow the Company to dictate or limit us in the authoring of our proposals.
We have been in discussion with the National Union and are currently working on strategies and next steps moving forward. We will keep you posted as updates become available.
The District would like to stress the importance of your continued unity. Please remember, while we continue to negotiate with the Company, all existing contractual agreements will be honored and remain in full effect.
In Unity,
Sylvia J. Ramos, Assistant to the VP, District 6
Ruth Marriott, Staff Representative, Telecommunication & Technologies
Pat Telesco, Area Director, District 1
Angela Wells, Administrative Director, District 3
Herman Junkin, Jr., Staff Representative, District 3
Ron Gay, Jr., Staff Representative, District 4
Tony Shaffer, Staff Representative, District 6
Domonique Thomas, Assistant to VP, District 9
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