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2011 CWA/ATT Mobility Puerto Rico Bargaining Report #5

Although there was no official bargaining Monday, The company gave a presentation to the Union committee. Elizabeth Swan, Director of Sales for all of Mobility gave an overview of the Mobility Sales and Compensation Plan. After the presentation Your Bargaining Committee members asked and received clarification on some of components of the Plan. After the presentation your committee resumed preparing proposals and responses to previous company proposals.

Your bargaining Committee met with the Company Tuesday morning to continue discussions. The company responded to questions the Union gave them last week regarding their proposals. They also passed a counter proposal to the Union’s request to add notification language for Article 12 -Hours of Work, section 2 for schedule changes.

The Union asked clarifying questions on the intent of their counter. The Union then passed proposals on Article 12 section 4, adding minimum rest time between extended tours. We also passed a proposal on Article 17 – Company Union Relationship, regarding CWA logos, authorized Union time, and Union leaves of absence. In addition The Union passed a proposal on Article 18 – Union Activities, regarding information on Union bulletin boards.

The company asked questions regarding the Union’s need for the proposals. After discussion the company said they would consider the proposals.

Neither party had anything else to present so we recessed for the day to continue to work on additional proposals, prepare minutes and reports.

Bargaining will resume tomorrow morning and a report will be issued after the meeting concludes.

In Unity,

Your CWA Mobility Bargaining team

* The contract expires Friday February 18th.