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2011 CWA/ATT Mobility Puerto Rico Bargaining Report #7

Your bargaining Committee met with the Company Thursday morning to continue discussions. The company said they had questions on the Union proposal to improve language on Grievance time lines. The Union explained the problems with managers not responding and cited several examples. The company said they would get back to us. The company then passed a proposal to change how Holidays are calculated for Part time employees. The Union asked for data related to this in order to evaluate the proposal and respond. The company then stated they could Tentatively Agree to the Union proposal on Article 18 regarding Bulletin boards. The company also provided data on Union requests from yesterday. The company stated they did not have anything else to present.

The Union passed a revised proposal on Article 2 – Recognition, related to subcontracting and providing information to the Union; Article 12 – Hours of Work, to address the company’s rejection of language on “adequate rest time”: and revisions on Article 17 proposals the company rejected yesterday. We also Tentatively Agreed with the company counter proposal to the Union’s proposal on Article 12 regarding defining “business need” as it impacts scheduling.

Neither party had anything else to present so we recessed to continue to work on additional proposals, prepare minutes and reports.

We are scheduled to meet again later today. A Bargaining Report will be issued tomorrow with results for today’s continued meeting.

In Unity,

Your CWA Mobility Bargaining team

(Note: Tentative agreements are contingent on reaching an overall agreement)

Contract expires February 18th!!