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2015 CWA ATT SE Bargaining Report #3

Your committee met face-to-face with AT&T Today.

The company presented a proposal to bring Letters and MOA’s negotiated since 2012 bargaining into the proposed 2015 contract.

The company also proposed a modification of the Uniform Program.

Your committee made seven proposals:

  1. Healthcare, including current employees, future retirees and existing retirees
  2. Deleting the UFO addendum and moving the Wire Tech title to wage scale 31
  3. Remove language in Article 10 regarding “needs of the business”
  4. Making safety concerns arbitrable
  5. Removing restrictions to payment for investigatory meetings
  6. Reduce the time that disciplinary entries remain in the employees record
  7. Renew the Aligning for Success MOA and add the Finance Group to its coverage

The parties agreed to resume discussions tomorrow

Thank you for your continued support of our efforts. Remember your message to the extremely profitable AT&T should clearly be:


Remember do your part. Wear red/orange tomorrow and every Thursday until an agreement is reached.

Your Bargaining Committee

Mike Fahrenholt – CWA Rep District 3 – Chair
Thelma Dunlap – Administrative Director District 3 – Co-Chair
David Betz – Alabama
Jonathan Campbell – Kentucky
Herman Junkin – Mississippi
Al Guillory – Louisiana
Johnny Hernandez – Florida
Chris Myrick – North Carolina
Jason LaPorte – South Carolina
Gene Redd – Georgia
Robert Santucci – Tennessee