2015 CWA ATT SE Bargaining Report #27
Your bargaining team met with the company and discussed several items pertinent to our overall success. The company made it clear that improvement to employees’ healthcare and pension plans are dependent on how much work we are willing to allow to be shifted into the Wire Tech scope of work.
Our goal is to negotiate a fair contract for all of our members and retirees. Our efforts to mobilize and show unity appear to be working. We must unequivocally inform management that we will not allow EVERYONES healthcare benefits to be held for ransom.
Draconian: excessively harsh and severe
Thanks to the Mississippi Locals for driving to Atlanta today to cook us a fried fish dinner tonight
Go to http://district3.cwa-union.org/pages/att-se-signup to sign up for ATT SE Bargaining Updates
Go to http://district3.cwa-union.org/photos/entry/2015_cwa_att_se_bargaining_mobilization to view photos of your brothers and sisters mobilizing around the District
Your Bargaining Committee
Mike Fahrenholt – CWA Rep District 3 – Chair
Thelma Dunlap – Administrative Director District 3 – Co-Chair
David Betz – Alabama
Jonathan Campbell – Kentucky
Herman Junkin – Mississippi
Al Guillory – Louisiana
Johnny Hernandez – Florida
Chris Myrick – North Carolina
Jason LaPorte – South Carolina
Gene Redd – Georgia
Robert Santucci – Tennessee
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