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2015 CWA ATT Utility Operations Bargaining Report #8

The CWA Utility Operations Bargaining Team did not meet with the Company today, but did caucus to prepare for our final days before expiration of the contract. We are scheduled to meet tomorrow morning and intend to share with the Company some dollar figures that our members have generated for them. This Company made billions in profit last year, as well as every other year of the contract, and Utility Operations’ contribution to their bottom line has been significant. We feel that every proposal we have put on the bargaining table is not only reasonable, but also long overdue.

Thanks to the Tennessee Locals for the giant “surprise” filled goody basket, including the snake bite kits!

Thanks to Local 3310 for the finger lickin good chicken lunch and encouragement to Keep Fighting, CWA!

The clock is ticking. Work safe and continue to fight back through your mobilization efforts!

It’s Our Turn!

Your Bargaining Committee:

Billy O’Dell – CWA Rep District 3 – Chair
Ben Price – Kentucky
Gail Shewalter – South Carolina
Jason LaPorte – South Carolina