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2015 CWA YP Bargaining Report #3

Your Bargaining Committee met with the Company today (July 29, 2015) and again asked the Company for a compensation plan for 2016 and was informed again that the plan is not ready to be presented.

The Company agreed to discuss at a later date several of the proposals that were delivered to them yesterday, including the Special Christmas days, changes to the Personal Paid Time program, Average Pay for Sales titles, automobile allowance changes, charge backs, changes to Market Tiers, the 75% point on reassigned accounts, the addition of DSAR titles to the bargaining unit.

In the days ahead your Bargaining Committee is preparing to discuss the issues of employee security, healthcare, overtime, scheduling of tours and sickness payments

The Company did tentatively agree to add the DSE title to the bargaining agreement.

The next meeting with the Company is scheduled for Thursday July 30th.


In Unity,

M.M. Smith - Chairperson
Gary Lawrence
J.R Rhodes