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2023 DIRECTTV Care & Distribution Center Bargaining Report #10


2023 DIRECTV Care and Distribution Center Bargaining Report #10 2/9/2023 

The expiration of our contract is quickly approaching. Now, more than ever, we need support from every union member!! 

Your DirecTV bargaining committee met with the company several times yesterday and today. We are focused on the most important issues you sent us: Wages, Benefits, and Job Security. We have had some success with other issues, but these are the ones that remain. The company continues to present proposals with lower wages than we deserve, and we continue to present counter-proposals with what we think is fair for all of us. We can’t express enough how much we appreciate the support you have given us over the past three weeks. Now it’s crunch time. Let’s get through this final push and show the company we mean business. Wear your black on Friday from head to toe. We must unite as one and stand for a fair contract! 

Thank you to Local 3902 for a fantastic lunch and care package!! We appreciate the love! 

The only effective answer to organized greed is organized labor!! 

In Unity,

 CWA DirecTV Bargaining Team 

Demetrice Lee - CWA Local 3806
 Bryan Vallandingham - CWA Local 3371
 Mustafa Hassan - CWA Local 3905
 Andee Hubbard - Co-Chair
Kelvin Banks - Chair