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2023 Mobility Bargaining Report #4



2023 Mobility Bargaining Report #4

 Your Mobility Bargaining Committee continues to meet with Company representatives. After many discussions there have been tentative agreements made to improve overtime rules and oncall pay and although we have made some progress we know that a highly profitable company like AT&T Mobility can do much better!! We rejected the company’s initial subpar benefits proposal and are currently reviewing their second benefits proposal that we received this afternoon. There are many important discussions left to be had regarding a range of issues that are extremely important. The committee appreciates the continued support! We are only as strong as the members we represent! MOBILIZE! MOBILIZE! MOBILIZE! 

We would like to send a special thanks to Local 3607 for the care packages! 

In Unity, 

Your Bargaining Committee

 Mindy Boldon, Local 3108
 Karen Nagjee, Local 3204
 Tammy Harmon, Local 3406 
Rodney Hughes, Local 3607
 Andee Hubbard, (Co-Chair)
 Kelvin Banks, (Chair)