AT&T Southeast Bargaining Report # 25
AT&T Southeast Bargaining Report # 25
After the bargaining report was sent for distribution yesterday, the Bargaining Team and the Company met again last night. In that meeting, the CWA Chair informed the Company that we have major concerns over the package they proposed. Some of their proposed language was an absolute insult to the employees who generate big revenue and profits for the Company. We then submitted another comprehensive Union package proposal that sums up a lot of what our members have expressed and is important to them. Today we met with the Company, and they let us know that they are currently taking a hard stance on wage increases. We will be meeting amongst ourselves throughout the night caucusing, studying proposals and planning our next steps. We want to thank all of those who sent cookies to the Bargaining Team today, the Georgia Locals for cooking the great barbecue today, and to all of our CWA family for showing up and showing out at the rally. Thanks also to CWA President Claude Cummings for taking time to attend the rally and show his support for all District 3 members. It was great spending time with our brothers and sisters letting the Company know that we mean business!
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