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AT&T Southeast Bargaining Report # 45

AT&T Southeast Bargaining Report # 45

While CWA members in District 3 are on strike against AT&T to protest unfair labor practices committed by the company during negotiations for a new contract, our bargaining team has continued to bargain with AT&T’s representatives, trying to reach an agreement. AT&T’s representatives at the bargaining table seem to have little authority to make decisions or enter into agreements, and on occasion have even been unable to explain their own proposals. 

AT&T came to the bargaining table yesterday and read from a script that appears could have been written by their attorney, accusing CWA of bargaining in bad faith. When the Union asked for the Company’s definition and specific examples of bad faith bargaining, AT&T’s representatives were not able to explain their accusations. At times, they have been unable to have discussions with us about the issues at the bargaining table, including one of their own proposals yesterday. 

Thousands of CWA members are on strike across nine (9) different states in the Southeast. Many of those members have asked for more information about what has been proposed at the bargaining table. Below, we have listed some of the details of CWA’s bargaining proposals concerning the larger issues of pay & benefits that affect all. Keep in mind that these are our current proposals for what we hope to achieve in a new contract. The bargaining process is fluid, meaning that proposals change over time and commonly look different from one day to the next. As of today, Union proposals and Company proposals include the following: 


CWA: General Wage Increase: Significant increase over the life of the contract, plus an annual cost-of-living adjustment. Upgrade several Wage Scales. Equalizing all Wage Zones.

AT&T: General Wage Increase: 2%, 2%, 3%, 3%, & 2%

Healthcare Benefits

CWA: Monthly premiums that are lower than today for all three bargaining units. Utilizing only the Southeast healthcare costs to calculate company/employee cost share, instead of AT&T’s national average.

AT&T: Large increases in monthly premiums, up to $595 per month for a family.  Large increases in the annual deductible, up to $6,600 for a family In Network, and $19,800 Out of Network.  Large Increases in the annual maximum out of pocket, up to $16,000 for a family In Network, and $48,000 Out of Network. 

Health Savings Account

CWA: HSA with matching company contributions.
AT&T: No matching contributions to an HSA


CWA: Significant AT&T SE Pension Increases
CWA: Significant BCBP2 Pension Increases: Increase for all age credit factors.
AT&T: AT&T SE Pension Increases - 0.5%, 0%, 0,5%, 0%, & 0.5%
AT&T: BCBP2 Pension Increases - No increase 

401K - Savings Plans

CWA: BellSouth Savings and Security Plan - Employees can contribute 6% of their basic wages with a company match equal to 80% of the employee contribution.
CWA: AT&T Retirement Savings Plan - Employees can contribute 6% of basic wages with a company match equal to 90% of the employee contribution. 

AT&T: BellSouth Savings and Security Plan - No increase or improvement
AT&T: AT&T Retirement Savings Plan - No increase or improvement 

While AT&T continues to remain far apart from our position on the issues, our bargaining team will continue to return to the table to bargain in good faith towards reaching an agreement that our members deserve. As you stand strong on the picket line, we will stand strong at the bargaining table. We are all in this fight together, the Fight for More in 24!