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ATT Legacy T, ATT Puerto Rico and ATT Midwest Core & Global COS Contracts ratified

Please see postings below from ATT Legacy T (Telecommunications & Technologies Office) and CWA District 4

ATT Legacy T and ATT Puerto Rico Contracts Ratified

The votes have been counted, and the Legacy T contract was ratified by 67.6%.  The AT&T Puerto Rico Contract was ratified by 90%.  As soon as we have information on the date you will receive your retroactive pay, we will get it out to you.

Our Bargaining Teams want to thank you for all your support during these difficult months; particularly those Locals that worked so hard on their mobilization efforts.

Mobilization isn’t just for Contract time.  In addition to supporting our brothers and sisters in Districts 1, 9 and 3, (whose vote on their TA is not complete,) and Verizon and the upcoming Mobility, District 6 Contracts, it is a powerful weapon to deal with ongoing issues we are sure to have with AT&T.


District 4 Members Ratify Contract with AT&T Midwest Core & Global COS

Dear Colleagues:

With a clear majority of eligible voters participating, members that work for AT&T Midwest Core & Global COS voted in favor of ratifying the tentative agreements reached on July 20th with AT&T. The vote count was conducted by a committee of 20 rank and file volunteers from 9 different locals across the region.

"This vote clearly shows the appreciation our members have for the great work of our bargaining committee," stated District 4 Vice President Linda Hinton. "In these tough times, our committee was able to get a contract that enhanced both our employment security and our standard of living."

The contractual wage increases are retroactive to April 8, 2012, but the benefit changes do not take effect until January 1, 2013. We don't know yet the exact date when the raises will be reflected in pay checks, but expect it within weeks, and the retroactive pay a few weeks following that. As soon as we have a certain date, we will let local Presidents know.


Linda L. Hinton

Vice President

CWA District 4