BST, Utilities, & Billing Tentative Agreement Information
Brothers & Sisters,
I have attached several documents which detail the specifics of the BST, Utilities, & Billing Tentative Agreements. 1) A copy of every proposal and letter that was agreed to at the BST bargaining table; 2) A copy of the Utilities Bargaining Summary & the proposed Utilities Contract under the tentative agreement, and 3) A copy of the proposed benefit plans for the BST, Utilities, and Billing Contracts.
Attachments 4) and 5) are the Final Bargaining Reports and ballots for the BST & Utilities Contracts. These documents will be printed next week and for the Locals who will be conducting their own Ratification Vote, we have a target date to mail these documents to your Union Halls by Monday November 9, 2015. For those Locals who have opted to have the CWA National Office conduct your vote, we have a target date to mail the Ballots and Final Bargaining Reports out to members by Friday November 6, 2015. The results of the ratification vote will be announced on Friday, December 4th 2015.
In Unity,
Nick Hawkins
Assistant to the Vice President
Communications Workers of America District 3
3516 Covington Highway
Decatur, GA 30032
Office: (404) 296-5553
Cell: (502) 706-1237
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