CWA/AT&T Utility Bargaining Report #2
The Utility Operations bargaining team would like to first send out our sincere apologies for not posting more updates surrounding bargaining. We have met with the Company and movement has been slow. Negotiations have been slow because several our main proposals surrounding wages, benefits, and quality of life are at the common interest table (CIT). The bargaining team took a break from negotiations this weekend, but we are back on the grind today. We met with the Company and they rejected several of our proposals and the team is drafting counter proposals to some of the proposals that were rejected. The proposals that were rejected are important issues to the Utility Operations members and we will not be easily shutdown or dismissed.
Please know that your bargaining team is working hard and doing its due diligence to ensure we get the best contract that we possibly can.
We must stay unified and stand together! Thanks to all the locals who have been providing meals, snacks, etc. We hope to see all of you in Atlanta for the rally on August 3!
Your Utility Operations Bargaining team
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