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CWA D3 ATT SE Bargaining Report #11

The Company recently passed a proposal to put PremTechs in an appendix of the core contract. Your team challenged the appropriateness of bringing this subject to the core table while it was being addressed by another bargaining team. We were advised this was a permissive subject however it would involve Article 14 which is a mandatory subject.

The Network Subcommittee was subsequently formed and met with the company to advise them that we are not interested in adding a PremTech appendix to our contract. We also resisted the company’s attempt to completely dismantle Article 14. We expressed our concerns regarding job security for our members, including but not limited to ST’s and OPT, and discussed proposals related to home garage, uniform allowance increases, safe load limits and supplemental screenings.

The “other” Subcommittee continues to meet to hammer out the issues.

We are currently working on the following proposals:

  • Adding an additional excused work day to be flexible (consumer and small business)
  • Changing language on close key time to remove development (consumer)
  • Changing easy time to cover all employees
  • To allow all employees the opportunity to take paid time off in 15 minute increments (VP, DP, etc)
  • Add paid time off of three days for birth of employees child (fathers)
  • Increase payments for split tours and multi-lingual differentials.

The bargaining team would like to thank Local 3215 for the homemade cakes, cookies and muffins. Thank you South Carolina Mobilization Committee for the red CWA lunch bags full of goodies. We presented the dum-dums and prunes to the company.

Your team realizes there are many questions that cannot be answered at this time due to the formal bargaining process, but we are committed to keeping you informed as the process allows. Please continue to mobilize for a fair and just contract.

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