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CWA YP Holdings LLC - Final Bargaining Report 2012

Ratification Bonuses:

  • $300 Ratification bonus
  • Christmas week off each year of the 3 year Contract


  • 2.5% Retroactive to 8/9/2012 at top of wage scale
  • 2.5% 9/5/2013 at top of wage scale
  • 2.5% 9/4/2014 at top of wage scale

Health Care

  • Health Care Plan changes beginning January 1, 2013
  • Monthly Premium:
    • Individual: 2013 - $38, 2014 - $85, 2015 - $119
    • Family: 2013 - $102, 2014 - $175, 2015 - $199
  • Preventative – no deductible, no coinsurance payments
  • Deductible - $1250 Individual/$2500 Family (In Network)
  • Co-Insurance – 15% In-Network/40% Out of Network (After Deductible)
  • Out of Pocket Maximum –
    • Individual -- In Network - $3000 Out of Network - $6,000
    • Family  - In Network $6,000 Out of Network - $12,000
  • No Co-pays
  • Individual Basis for deductibles and Out of Pocket Maximums

Prescription Coverage

  • Plan changes beginning January 1, 2011
  • Individual Basis for Out of Pocket Maximum
  • Retail - Network Co-pays (up to 30 days supply)
    • Generic - $10
    • Formulary - $30
    • Non-Formulary - $50
      Subject to deductible and OOP max with the exception of preferred preventative care drugs
  • Retail – Non-Network Copays (up to 30 days supply)
    • Participant pays the difference between the non-network pharmacy charge and the amount covered for the same prescription drug dispensed by a network pharmacy
  • Mail Order Copays (up to 90 days supply)
    • Generic - $25
    • Formulary - $75
    • Non-Formulary - $125


Contribution is $0

Preventative – 100% covered, deductible waived

$50 network deductible per individual

$100 non-network per individual


Annual maximum benefit:

Network $1500 per individual

Non-Network $1250 per individual


Orthodontic lifetime max:

Network $1500 per individual

Non-Network $1250 per individual


Same as today

Health Savings Accounts

  • Create New Tax-Free Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
  • Active Employees will get:
    • $600 Individual, $1200 Family – each year of the Contract
    • Unused funds will rollover to next year.


No additional pension contributions as of 11/1/12. Pension accruals will be frozen.

New Hires

Same medical as current non-management employees at full cost of plan during first 6 months of service. After 6 months of service, they pay the negotiated costs.

Article 1

1.30 Seniority – Define seniority as length of continuous BellSouth/AT&T/YP Holdings service with the company.

Article 2

2.02 Added language to include prior BellSouth or AT&T service

Article 3

3.05 Flex-time – Added language to say that if flex-time is denied, the company will, at request of the union, meet with the local president to communicate the needs of the business reasons in a timely matter.

Article 6

6.06 B – Military service - Concession telephone service will end 5/9/15

Article 7

7.01 – Reduction in Force – Company will notify union in writing at least 2 months prior to effective release date

Article 8

Term Pay – Current term pay schedules remain the same for active employees. New 52 week term pay chart in effect for any employee on or after 8/5/12.

Article 9

9.08 – Cellular phone allowance – no longer restricted to AT&T provider only

Article 12

  • 12.01 – Removed titles and wage scales that are not populated
  • 12.01 B 2 – Removed language of inter and intra entities regarding job vacancies
  • 12.01 B 7 – Removed language
  • 12.01 B 9 – Removed language
  • 12.02 A – Removed surplus from other entities for equal or lower level vacancies. Removed intra or inter entity requests for lateral/demotion/promotion.

Article 16

16.01 – Health Safety committee – no longer in effect. Matters pertaining to health and safety will be addressed in the common interest forum.

Article 19

Article 19 - Pension & Benefits

To reflect the AT&T pension benefit plan SE program for employees hired on or before 8/8/09 shall be frozen for the purpose of future benefit accruals as of 11/1/12.

To reflect the AT&T pension benefit plan SE program for employees hired or rehired after 8/8/09 shall be frozen for the purpose of future benefit accruals as of 11/1/12.

19.01 – All AT&T benefit plans have been changed to the YP SE Advertising & Publishing LLC benefit plan.

Post retirement medical – As of 9/1/12, employees shall cease to become eligible for post retirement medical coverage.

Article 24

Deleted Employment Security Partnership Plan & Eliminated Tuition Aid Plan

Article 27

The company will post a coy of the contract on YP interconnections for all employees to view and print as they wish. The company will provide printed copies to local presidents and CWA Intl staff handling YP matters.

Article 28

28.02 – Continuous Improvement Committee – Removed. Replaced with Common Interest Forum. Company and Union will meet quarterly to discuss issues.

Article 31

31.01 – Replaced all references of BAPCO to YP SE Advertising & Publishing LLC

Job Titles

Deleted unpopulated titles.



  • Changed provisions for recording calls for Coaching & Development in Customer Care and Collections
  • Removed Internet Adjustment to BOTS Letter
  • All language related to AT&T and AT&T specific programs were removed
  • Removed Involuntary Overtime Trial letter
  • Removed Seniority as a factor in determining eligibility for new job assignments

National Issues

Replaced Card Check agreement with Mutual Values letter

Sales Article 10 & Appendix C

  • Intent to maintain continuity of contact
  • Removed language referring to Initial assignments to be balanced +/- 20%.
  • Remove - Reps will have option to retain 25% of accounts from previous canvass.
  • Added language to ensure Union & Company discusses market related changes prior to implementation.


Eliminated Gates and Rates & MC2 Comp Plan

Account-based Commission Plan

Bi-weekly Commissions paid on performance to NISD

Quarterly Commissions based on YTD NISD/BOTS results

Quarterly commissions and incentives are guaranteed to pay out at up to 90% per channel


  • Maintained target comp of 100K
  • Same base salary

Commission Rates:


NISD Commission Rate

0% - 60%


60.1% - 85%


85.1% - 100%







Quarterly Commissions:


% of NISD Paid

-13% to -8.01%


-8% to -3.01%


-3% to 2%





Eliminated Title


  • Maintained target compensation to 85K
  • Same base salary

Commission Rates:


NISD Commission Rate

0% - 60%


60.1% - 85%


85.1% - 100%


100.1% - 105%


105.1% - 120%







Quarterly Commissions:

Tier A Markets:

NISD/BOTS               % of NISD Paid        

-13% to -9.01%                       12%

-9% to -5.01%                         24%

-5% to -1.01%                         36%

-1% to 3%                               48%

>3%                                       60%

Tier B Markets:

NISD/BOTS               % of NISD Paid

-8% to -5.01%                         12%

-5% to -1.01%                         24%

-1% to 3.01%                          36%

3% to 7%                                48%

>7%                                       60%


  • Maintained target compensation to 60K
  • Same base salary

Commission Rate:


NISD Commission Rate 

0% - 60%


60.1% - 85%


85.1% - 100%


100.1% - 105%


105.1% - 120%











Quarterly Commissions:



% of NISD Paid

-12% to -8.01%


-8% to -4.01%


-4 to -0.01%


0% to -4%






$10 Retention reward paid on all retired accounts (account with BOTS finishes with NISD)

Cyber Rep

  • Maintain target comp to 60K
  • No changes to comp plan

Account Executive-New Media

  • Maintained target comp to 85K
  • Reduced 5 gates to 3
  • Added Renewal/ITA Commission Rate at 125%. May retain up to 20 accounts in year 2.

New Install and Non-advertiser (i.e., New) Commissions will be paid as shown below:




0 - $3,999


$4,000 - $9,999


$10,000 and above



MAR, DASR & New Media Reps

  • Eliminated Chargebacks for Non-pay
  • “As Earned” Commissions
    • 40% paid up front
    • 60% paid on milestones
  • Additional Time to Restore Commission on non-pay accounts – up to 540 days
  • Transition Plan for Implementation/New Hires/Transfers
    • Increase to base salary for 10 months
    • $375.00 Additional base pay per week for the first 3 of 10 months
    • $300.00 Additional base pay per week for the next 3 of 10 months
    • $175.00 Additional base pay per week for the last 4 of 10 months
  • Total base pay increase of $10,100 per rep for transition

Miscellaneous Sales

  • Opt-out Sales Commissions paid based on minimum term of sale. Balance paid if customer doesn’t opt-out
  • Changed 80% of campaign for losses to 75% and will use Book Close Phase 2 (Boost) date to calculate dates of campaign rather than SLDTK “A”
  • Alternative commission plans will be put into place, if average bag sizes increase over a certain amount, per channel.
  • INET Adjustment to BOTS letter removed
  • Recanvass Commissions on advertisers will be paid as follows:
    • Major Account Representative: 30%
    • Directory Advertising Sales Representatives: 60%
    • Directory Telephone Sales Representatives: 50%
  • Commission Debit Proration Established:
    • Reps will no longer have a debit wipe out all of their commissions in a pay period
    • Reps can select a percentage of their commission earnings to be protected on a payroll period basis - 0%, 25%, or 40%
    • No commission debit will in result in commission earnings of less than the selected percentage unless debt is > $5,000
    • Reps can change the percentage on a quarterly basis


The Bargaining Teams

Our Strength is in our Unity

CWA was represented at the YP Advertising & Publishing Table by:

M.M. Smith, CWA Chair

Todd Master, Local 3104, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Adrienne Mohan, Local 3615, Wilmington, NC