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District 3/ATT Mobility Bargaining - Report #1

Your Mobility Bargaining committee met today with AT&T Company representatives and each Chair gave opening remarks prior to start of bargaining. Company Chair Steve Frost gave the basic “we have to compete” and we need to sustain the business. CWA Chair Gerald Souder gave opening remarks (attached) emphasizing the importance of our Mobility members in making AT&T successful and our demand that they share in the success of the company.

After opening remarks we had a discussion on the logistics of bargaining. The Union then passed numerous proposals that were submitted by members and Locals across District 3. The company asked clarifying questions on various ones and stated they would consider what we passed and respond at a later time.

The company only had two proposals to present today. One on Illness absence and one on vacation accrual. The Union said we would give their proposals consideration and respond at a later date.

We recessed so our bargaining team could attend a noon rally at an AT&T Mobility store in Tucker, GA. Highlights of the rally will be on the D3 web site. After the rally the bargaining team returned our work room to prepare responses to the company proposals and to work on additional items.

We are scheduled to meet tomorrow morning for further discussions.

In Unity,

CWA Mobility Bargaining team: