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Lumen Vaccine Mandate Effects Bargaining Report #3

We met with the Company today in regards to  the  Mandatory COVID-19  Vaccine mandate. The Company made some counter proposals and CWA is reviewing these proposals. The Company rejected the proposals that CWA presented at last week’s bargaining session. They will extend the date to be fully vaccinated from December 8,

2021 to January 4, 2022 as you may have seen from communications they have been putting out to employees. They are waiting for the official rule from the government to confirm the date change. 

The Company continues to work through the exemption requests. We will be meeting again on November 12, 2021. 

CWA Bargaining Committee

Susie McAllister D7 Legacy Qwest Bargaining Agent
Lisa Avila D7 Legacy Qwest Bargaining Agent
Jon Remington, CWA Staff District 2-13 Representing the T&T Office 

SM/er opeiu30, afl-cio 

c:        CWA District 7 Staff