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NDCA Tentative Agreement


2013 Tentative Agreement 

 Wages, Incentives and Bonuses


Basic wages will be increased at the top rates of pay according to the following:



Percent Increase

November 3, 2013


November 2, 2014


November 1, 2015



There will be no change in the start rates of pay and the progression steps will be exponential between the existing start rate and the new top rate. 

We were able to save the annual incentive plan, and it will be funded at the standard award level of 1% for award years 2013, 2014, and 2015. 

There will be a ratification bonus of $300.00 (less taxes and other withholdings) to all employees on the active payroll on the effective day of the agreement. 

We continued the match rate of 35% for the BellSouth Savings and Security Plan. 


Benefits Highlights


Effective 2nd quarter 2013, the medical plan name will change to AT&T Southeast Employee Medical Program. 

Current Health Care Plan provisions retained until June 1, 2014.  Current monthly health care contributions of $35 for Individual and $75 for Family per month retained until June 1, 2014.

Company will continue to pay 100 percent of the cost of In-Network preventive care. 

Health Care

Current Health Care Plan retained with modifications. 


  • Dependents coverage changes effective June 1, 2014:
    • Elimination of Sponsored Child Classification
    • Elimination of Class II Dependent Classification


  • Changes in monthly premiums for employees on the payroll prior to August 18, 2012 as follows:
    • 2014 - $58 individual, $121 family
    • 2015 - $79 individual, $163 family
    • 2016 - $105 individual, $218 family


  • Changes in annual deductibles for network providers as follows:
    • Individuals - $500 all three years of contract
    • Family - $1,000 all three years of contract


  • Coinsurance remains at 10 percent for network providers


  • Changes in out of pocket maximums for network providers as follows:
    • 2014 - $1,700 individual, $3,400 family
    • 2015/2016  - $2,000 individual, $4,000 family


  • No change in out-of-pocket maximum for prescription drugs which remains $900 for individual and $1,800 for family for all three years of the contract.
  • No change in RX Retail-Network Copays for Generic during the life of the contract.    Changes for Formulary and Non-Formulary Retail-Network Copays as follows:
    • Generic               $10 (2014-2016)
    • Formulary            $20 (2014) $30 (2015/2016)
    • Non-Formulary     $40 (2014) $60 (2015/2016)
    • No change to Mail Order Copays for Generic (up to 90 day supply) during the life of the contract.   Changes for Formulary and Non-Formulary Mail Order Copays as follows:


  • Generic               $20 (2014-2016)
  • Formulary            $40 (2014) $60 (2015/2016)
  • Non-Formulary     $80 (2014) $120 (2015/2016)


  • For more flexibility, we continued the ability to pick-up 90 day prescriptions at CVS retail pharmacies.




Renames AT&T CarePlus Medical Plan to “AT&T CarePlus - A Supplemental Benefit Program”.  Effective June 1, 2014, expands benefits which may be offered under CarePlus to include any benefits determined by the Company to be beneficial to Plan participants. Company retains the unilateral right to change, modify, amend and discontinue the expanded benefits offered under CarePlus. 

Employee Assistance Plan

Name change to AT&T Employee Assistance Program effective 2nd quarter 2013.  Effective 6/1/2014 covers up to 5 sessions per issue per year. 

Short Term Disability

Effective June 1, 2014 the definition of disability will be changed from “any occupation” to “your own occupation”.    This means instead of having to be unable to perform the essential functions of any job – any occupation, whether or not the company has such a position, to being considered disabled if you are unable to perform the essential functions of your job. 

“You are considered Disabled when, because of illness or injury, you are unable to perform all the essential functions of your job or another available job assigned by your Participating Company with the same full-time or part-time classification for which you are qualified”. 

Any provisions associated with the definition of disability in the AT&T Southeast Disability Benefits Program for Special Represented Employees will be eliminated including elimination of the “Administrative Denial”, “Two-Day Extension in Limited Circumstances” and “Chemical Dependency Confinement”.   In addition, Independent Medical Evaluations (IMEs) will be performed in the discretion of the disability claims administrator. 

Dental (continues to be 100% participant paid for plan coverage)

Effective June 1, 2014 improved the dental benefits by eliminating the fee schedule by moving to the AT&T Dental Plan (management provisions).

  • Dental PPO (Dental HMO available at the discretion of the Company)
  • Deductible
    • Network and ONA   $25 per individual per year
    • Non-Network          $50 per individual per year
    • Annual Maximum Benefit –
      • Network and ONA             $1,750 per individual*
      • Non-Network          $1,300 per individual*

*Not to exceed $1,750 combined Network/Non-Network

  • Orthodontic Lifetime Maximum –
    • Network and ONA             $2,000 per individual*
    • Non-Network          $1,400 per individual*

*Not to exceed $2,000 combined Network/Non-Network


  • Coverage  Levels –
    • Class I (Diagnostic/Preventive):

Network and ONA*:          100%, Deductible Waived

Non-Network**:                100%, Deductible Waived


  • Class II (Basic restorative – fillings, extractions, periodontal treatment/maintenance):

Network and ONA*:          90%, after deductible

Non-Network**:                70%, after deductible


  • Class III (Major restorative – crowns, dentures, bridgework):

Network and ONA*: 80%, after deductible

Non-Network**:                50%, after deductible


  • Class IV (Orthodontia):

Network and ONA*: 80%, after deductible

Non-Network**:                50%, after deductible


*For Outside Network Area (ONA), paid at Network contracted rate.

**For Non-Network paid based on reasonable and customary amounts.




Article 1E — Entity 

For the purpose of force movement, an entity is defined as BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC, AT&T Southeast Billing, LLC, Utility Operations, BellSouth Internet Services, and National Directory and Customer Assistance. 

Article 1M — Seniority 

Seniority shall mean Term of Employment (TOE)/Net Credited Service (NCS) as defined by the pension plan.  

Article 4A — Holidays 

The Company committed to give every consideration to employees requesting the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday as one of their paid days off.   

Article 5 — Absences from Duty 

5A4 – Increased the number of Personal Days to be used in 15 minute increments – now one paid Personal Day may be taken in 15 minute increments as well as the one unpaid day. 

5B –     There is no change in vacation eligibility; however, vacation paid out to employees leaving the Company will be based on an accrual schedule. The effect of the accrual schedule does not impact pay in lieu when employees leave the Company due to retirement, lay off, death, take a Military leave or enter the PARTNERSHIP Job Bank. 

Article 6 — Force Reduction 

We were able to increase the lay off allowance as follows: 

  • For employees with less than 3 years, the layoff allowance will remain $400.
  • For employees with 3 years but less than 6 years, the allowance will increase from $800 to $1,000.
  • For employees with 6 years or more, the allowance will increase from $1,200 to $1,500.


Article 11B — Union Representation 

We clarified employees' rights to union representation. During an investigatory interview with Asset Protection, one union representative will be paid when appropriate.

Article 16G — Deduction Costs 

We eliminated language requiring the union to pay the Company the cost of making Union dues and COPE deductions. 

Appendix B 

Employee Development 

Effective January 1, 2014, tuition, textbooks and fees will be reimbursed after successful course completion. 

Contracting Out Letter

 We were able to save the Contracting Out Letter from the previous contract. 

Pension Look Back Letter 

We were able to save the Pension Look Back Letter from the previous contract. 

Video Display Terminal Eyewear (VDT) 

We were able to get CIS to present the union with an updated letter for VDT glasses.  The glasses are for employees that experience discomfort with their vision while looking at a computer monitor.  The letter states that the company will pay the basic cost of frames, lenses, and fitting fees, and the employee shall be responsible for any other costs or fees. 

Other Letters/MOAs/MOUs

 Timekeeping System 

Letter detailing a more accurate timekeeping system which will pay employees in one (1) minute increments. This will not change any contractual provisions that specify how premium and overtime pay is calculated. 

Movement of Employees 

Renewed National Transfer Plan (NTP) MOA providing employees priority placement before external hires (after regional contract processes).  We were able to expand the NTP to include Mobility.    

Renewed The Following MOU’s:

 Renewed the CWA COPE payroll deductions. 

Renewed Union dues deductions.