Premise Technician Bargaining Report #2
Premise Technician Bargaining Report #2
June 22, 2011
Today the Bargaining team met with the Company for the first time. 31 Union proposals were passed across the table covering all issues sent to the District excluding wages. After answering the Company’s initial questions the parties caucused to discuss the session. After several hours, the table reconvened and the Company asked numerous questions to clarify the Union’s intent. The session ended with no agreements reached. The table will reconvene tomorrow 6/23/11 at 9:00 a.m. We expect the Company to counter some of our proposals and present some of its own. We will update this site as information becomes available.
This morning a great mobilization effort took place at a location here in Atlanta. Within a short time, we had the Company’s attention and Labor Relations was alerted to our activities. Thanks to all who participated in any mobilization effort anywhere within the District.
In Unity,
Your Bargaining Team
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