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It is very disappointing when less than a year from bargaining, one of the companies we negotiate with has begun “union busting tactics.”   YP has chosen to inform our members how to terminate their union membership with hints from management “why bother to belong!” Please!

Our members did see through the company’s rhetoric, after all, it’s not the union downsizing their jobs, laying off employees, attempting to strip the employees of their benefits, and it’s not the union who farms out our work to vendors! The union has and will always have as its goal to protect its members and their rights!

In 2012 Bargaining, the Company and Union signed a “Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Mutual Values.” The heart of this agreement says the Company and Union agree “that all dealings between them be characterized by high standards of Integrity, Mutual Responsibility, Respect and Cooperation.” Evidently the Company doesn’t understand what it agreed to!

2015 will see our Members United across every company, as we return to the Bargaining Table. Thank you for standing behind CWA and seeing through YP!!

In Unity,

Betty J. Witte
Administrative Director to the VP