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YP Southeast Advertising and Publishing Bargaining Report #6

The Union & Company have reached TA’s (tentative agreements) on some various issues. These issues mainly revolve around positions which no longer have active employees (i.e. DSAR) and clean up language removing AT&T and/or BellSouth in various places throughout the contract.

Under 10.01, the Company has agreed to discuss market changes with the Union prior to implementing.

The Company continues to insist that they do not want to pay any post retirement healthcare. They want to freeze pensions and not make any contributions in the future. They also want to shift extensive healthcare costs to the employees with higher premiums, deductibles and out of pocket maximums.

The Union continues to remind them that they are an extremely profitable company and there is no reason why they should not share the profits that they make with the employees that make this company what it is.

The Union & Company will meet again this Friday 8/3 to continue discussing outstanding proposals.