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YP Southeast Bargaining Report #16 - Contract extended until Tuesday 8/21 at midnight

Union & Company agree to extend the Contract until Tues 8/21 at midnight.

The Union & Company met on Friday 8/17. All outstanding issues were discussed and although progress has been made in the last couple of days, we are still apart on several significant issues.

The Union requested sales rep comp plan modeling for several different scenarios and we are awaiting that data from the Company. It is anticipated that the sales rep modeling will be completed on Saturday, so that the Union can analyze it over the weekend.

The Company also presented an updated medical plan for the 2nd day in a row. This updated medical plan lowered the oop max’s and premiums, but still not to an acceptable level for the Union.

The Union & Company will continue discussing outstanding proposals, commission plans, market issues and benefits over the weekend.