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YP Southeast Publishing and Advertising Bargaining Report #18

The Union & Company met on Monday 8/20 & Tuesday 8/21. Discussions during the two days included the following:

Comp plans that are on the table for each channel.

Transition pay plans between the potential contract ratification date and implementation dates for the newly presented commission plans. These transition pay plans will benefit the sales reps.

The Company presented their updated Comprehensive Contract. The Comprehensive Contract included some updated language throughout the Contract based on ongoing discussions. Progress was made on several key Union issues such as recall rights after a Surplus, management rights, term pay charts…

The Company also presented an updated medical plan with the Comprehensive Contract. This updated medical plan lowered premiums from the previously presented plans and increased the Company HSA funding for employees.

The Union & Company will continue to discuss issues on a daily basis. The contract remains in full force until further notice.