2015 CWA ATT SE Bargaining Report #19
Your bargaining team has been deeply involved in sub-committees today. The company doesn’t appear to be interested in overtime relief and work rules around overtime equalization. The company isn’t very interested in correcting “our” attendance problem via positive reinforcement. They are also not interested in ensuring their employees receive breaks as they should. They would like to displace American jobs by outsourcing American manufacturers in the uniform program. The company is also not interested in us having the right to fully pursue safety issues.
We will meet at the main bargaining table tomorrow. We are going to continue to drive your ideals home with this miscreant operation. We are proving that we are not afraid. There have been excellent profits earned because of our hard work and we must all stand together in order to prevail. Your mobilization activities are showing them that we are one CWA! Wear you red/orange tomorrow. Thanks to those in Nashville today who protested in the rain to express our dissatisfaction with ATT.
Insensate: completely lacking sense or reason
Go to http://district3.cwa-union.org/pages/att-se-signup to sign up for ATT SE Bargaining Updates
Go to http://district3.cwa-union.org/photos/entry/2015_cwa_att_se_bargaining_mobilization to view photos of your brothers and sisters mobilizing around the District
Your Bargaining Committee
Mike Fahrenholt – CWA Rep District 3 – Chair
Thelma Dunlap – Administrative Director District 3 – Co-Chair
David Betz – Alabama
Jonathan Campbell – Kentucky
Herman Junkin – Mississippi
Al Guillory – Louisiana
Johnny Hernandez – Florida
Chris Myrick – North Carolina
Jason LaPorte – South Carolina
Gene Redd – Georgia
Robert Santucci – Tennessee
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