CWA DEX/YP Bargaining update #5&6&7
CWA DEX/YP Bargaining update #5&6&7
Day 5 8/22/2018: Today was a full day of DEX/YP rolling out the Fixed and Variable Rate Vehicle Reimbursement Program (FAVR). This 12 page presentation gave a detailed breakdown on how the program works. CWA has some serious concerns as to how the company will use the data that the mileage app collects. Day 5 and the company has not passed any proposals.
Day 6 8/23/2018: Today was a full day of DEX/YP rolling out what they want to see in the Area of Market Assignment. DEX/YP rolled out how they are going to do the Market Assignments for the Reps. It was a 140 plus pages presentation. We went over the high lights and low lights. In this 140 page presentation, it also has all of the Dex’s processes. Day 6 and the company has not passed any proposals.
Day7 8/24/2018: Today we finished reviewing the Market Assignments guidelines and the Dex’s processes. We also has a discussion clarifying some concerns around the proposed Compensation Plan. Day 7 and the company has not passed any proposals. We will be meeting again on September 10th and 11th.
CWA 2018 Bargaining team
CWA Members at Google Help Ratify Historic First Contract
CWA Piedmont Passenger Service and Ramp Workers Picket for a Fair Contract
NABET-CWA Members at DistroKid Fight Layoffs and Seek a First Contract