Your committee met face-to-face with AT&T Today. The company presented a proposal to bring Letters and MOA?s negotiated since 2012 bargaining into the proposed 2015 contract.
Your 2015 CWA District 3 Bargaining Team has been meeting together since Monday, June 15, 2015. Our efforts, thus far, have been concentrated on prioritizing and writing proposals based on issues brought forward by your Local Representatives.
Local 3204 held a rally at the at&t Mobility Store in Buford, Georgia on Thursday May 28,2015 because the company discriminated against an employee due to him having Diabetes. The employee asked to be excused from work to go to the hospital, however his manager refused. He went to the hospital immediately after work and was admitted 4 days with 2 spent in the ICU. He nearly lost his life due to AT&T failing to excuse him from work. Upon his return to work he was terminated for his attendance. The company could have waived the 4 days absence giving the circumstances and chose not to.